1. Bite-Sized Chunks of Discipline
If I really need to get determined to study something, I'll set a timer for 30 minutes. For half an hour, I am not allowed to get off track, surf the internet, reorganize my desk, file my fingernails, make grocery lists, gawk at my split ends, text my bff, check my tumblr, plan tomorrow's outfit, or grab a snack. Bored? Too bad, self. You're gonna sit your butt down and work this chapter out.
When those 30 minutes are over, take 10-15 minutes to just relax. Grab your snack, check your facebook, look at pictures of corgis in bow ties, drool over recipes on Pinterest. Whatever. This is "you" time. When the break period is over, take another 30 minutes to really sit down and focus.
Depending on how shot my brain is, I can usually do this for up to 3 hours without needing to take a big break. Breaking your studying into chunks is scientifically proven to help you process information better, and it will help you feel more in control of your study habits.
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Really enjoy those 10 minutes of cute animal time |
2. Schedule in Sleep
Your brain won't work as efficiently if you haven't gotten some good sleep. Power down the laptop and get 8 hours of shut-eye.
3. Learn Your Rhythm
Everyone has a certain time of day when they're most productive at certain things. For me, I'm the most mentally energized in the late morning. That's when I try to get most of my studying done, because I know I'm less likely to get distracted. Think about when you usually are most focused, and schedule in your study time then.
Other times might be better for exercise. A study done at Purdue University found that students who worked out at the recreational center twice a week had higher GPA's than those who didn't. It might just be because it's a great way to relieve stress, but it could also be the increased circulation to your brain that helps you better process information.

4. Feel the Buzz
Caffeine is the oldest trick in the book for sustaining mental performance, but it sure does work! Try to stay away from energy drinks, and stick to coffee and tea. Also, limit yourself to 6 cups of coffee or less. While coffee has a lot of health benefits, it can also cause anxiety if consumed in excess. The last thing you need is a racing heart when you're already freaking out about exams!
5. Reward Yourself
If you've managed to get a lot of studying done, don't let your hard work go to waste! Have an evening with your girlfriends, or just veg out with your favorite tv show. The worst thing you can do to try to beat your burnout is to force yourself to keep studying when you're absolutely miserable. If you've worked hard, you deserve to relax a little and give your brain some time to solidify all that information.
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