I've depended on GroupMe so many times, I don't think I'll ever work in a team without it again.
This app allows you to message everyone at once, which makes communicating so much easier.
Your bank's mobile app:
Whatever bank you use, they probably have an app to help you keep track of your money on the go. Mine even lets me make transfers! It's so much easier to monitor my spending when it's available on my mobile device.
Google Drive:
Keep all your documents with you at all times with Google Drive. I've used Google docs for countless group projects and house meetings, and being able to access them in an app is much easier than hauling my laptop around.
It's a weather app that tells you the real and "feels like" temperature currently, for the day, and for the next 6 days. It also lets you track several different locations, and updates you on warnings and advisories for those areas. It even has little cartoon people that suggest what to wear for the day!
Because I get bored with my own iTunes playlist, especially on an hour-long run.
So I can show my girlfriends the latest Jenna Marbles video.
Convert Units:
Being a nursing student, I do a lot of conversions from standard to metric, and vice versa. It's nice to just put the numbers into this app and let it spit out the corresponding value.
Out and about, when you get sick or hurt? Let the symptom checker on this app tell you if you should seek medical attention if you're not sure what to do.
Nike+ Running:
My campus's co-rec has workout equipment that let you plug your iPod/iPhone in and track your progress on Nike+. It's a great way to challenge myself and stay motivated during a treadmill workout (as if the Around the World circuit wasn't hard enough)!
Purdue (or whatever college you attend):
Includes news, maps, a calendar, media, menus, open computer labs, bus routes, and more.
Find iPhone:
I haven't lost my iPod yet, but if I did, I would probably rip my hair out. At least with this app, I can locate it, send messages to it, and even wipe my information.

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